Wednesday 26 September 2012


This is meat to be on of the worst films of all time and so I decided to see what all the fuss was about. It turns out it is. Everything in this film is woefully bad, disorienting in how poor it is and to be honest, really dull. Very little happens for large sections of the film, its amazing how they managed to make 79 minutes seem like purgatory. To see what I mean you really have to watch it; for proof here’s the intro:

This got me thinking, Plan 9… is often regarded as a cult classic, but what really is cult? The way I understand it is that they are niche films, often flawed, but loved by a devoted fan base. I heard Pulp Fiction described as a cult classic, but I don’t buy that, everybody loves Pulp Fiction and it was a widespread critical success when released whereas most cult films are not that way. I see The Rocky Horror Picture Show as being a cult film, maybe even Blade Runner but it’s not an easy thing to define. Easier to figure out is the whole ‘so bad they’re good’ type films; The Warriors, Batman (the 60’s incarnation) and probably Plan 9… as well.

Basically I’m stumped any help would be greatly appreciated!

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